How a Predictive Behavioral Analytic Can Help You Make Better Life Decisions
People may spend their whole lives climbing the ladder of success, only to find once they reach the top, that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.
~Thomas Merton
Psychometric tests have been around for quite a while. They tweak our natural curiosity about niggly little questions like – Who am I? Am I normal? Am I special? Beyond entertaining us, they can be very helpful in terms of deepening our understanding of ourselves and making decisions over the course of our life.
The natural first place where they are useful is in helping us decide on an education or career direction. Despite the good intent of family, friends, teachers, and even guidance counsellors, they are often not the most informed sources for helping us size-up what is likely to bring us lasting satisfaction and success. Knowing who we are deep down inside, knowing what is available in the world of work, knowing what would fit with our talents, and knowing what is feasible for us…is asking a lot. A good quality predictive behavioral analytic can reduce that ambiguity. It can give you an in-depth picture of who you are, what captures your interest and imagination, and what you are likely to excel at in terms of actual workplace roles. That doesn’t answer questions regarding finances, or what is available near where you are, but it takes you a long way down the road to informed career decision-making.
The same is true once we are in the workplace. Whether to take on a new role, what behaviors to develop to improve our on-the-job performance, or even deciding to take on a career in management, a predictive behavioral analytic can help us avoid painful mistakes. While there is something to be learned from every experience, making choices that work for us, not against us, makes life easier and more enjoyable.
And then there is retirement. For some, the answer is clear, rest and recreation are what matter most. But for many, the possibility of pursuing something that is meaningful, staying engaged and giving back in a new way makes sense. Finding an encore career that will be intrinsically rewarding and energy giving rather than draining is important. A predictive behavioral analytic can help us think about new avenues that just may be both satisfying and a likely source of pride for us.
Whatever stage we are at, knowing how our behavioral preferences are shaping the course of our life is invaluable. This is particularly true when it comes to our health and our relationships. The guilt, responsibility, industriousness and workaholism that may make us a hyper-dependable and productive employee can also leave time for friends, family, and our personal health in the dust. By understanding our preferences from a wider perspective, we can make choices that help us create the life we want.
As with everything else, you get what you pay for when it comes to choosing a predictive behavioural analytic. Making sure that it has sufficient rigor and scope to inform decisions over the course of many years only makes sense. The same is true for choosing one that gives you as much specificity as possible. After all, understanding that Law is a good direction is helpful but knowing that collaborative family law will bring happiness and satisfaction that corporate law will not, is more than a little bit relevant. Lastly, choosing an instrument that comes with professional interpretive support is what guarantees that you will get the most out of your investment.
The clearer we are on who we are, where our passion and talents naturally will take us, and what we bring to the workplace is a great place to start when formulating a resume, answering questions in an interview, and helping ourselves build a successful life and career.
Germaine Watts is a thought leader, author, speaker and co-founder of Predictive Potential – a consultancy and workshop/retreat provider dedicated to helping individuals, teams, and organizations thrive. As a mindfulness coach, SuccessFinder expert, and facilitator with the Centre for Courage and Renewal, she seeks to foster connection between soul and role in ways that support of personal, organizational, and societal transformation.